

SITRANS LG270: Master of extreme conditions

SITRANS LG270 specialises in handling extreme conditions, including high temperatures and pressures. This guided radar transmitter is the optimal solution for challenging applications found in the chemical industry, HPI and the energy sector, such as in LPG gas tanks, boilers and distillation columns.

With its robust construction and ability to deliver accurate measurement results in the most demanding conditions, the LG270 offers a reliable and durable solution for your measurement needs. Its advanced features and flexible configuration options ensure you always have access to accurate data to optimise your processes.

To learn more about the LG270 and its ability to improve your business, contact us for personalised advice.

Advantages of SITRANS LG270

✅  Adapted for extreme environments: Designed to withstand high temperatures and pressures, ideal for demanding industrial applications.

✅  High accuracy: Provides precise measurement results with an accuracy of up to ±2 mm, making it possible to reliably monitor process conditions.

✅  Versatility and reliability: Suitable for a range of applications, from gas storage to process monitoring in steam systems.

✅ Advanced technology: Utilises guided radar waves to ensure reliable measurements, even in loss of echo situations with probe end tracking.


Specifikation för SITRANS SITRANS LG250.


Extreme conditions including high temperatures and pressures in the chemical industry, HPI and energy sector.

Measurement accuracy

±2 mm

Scope of application

0.3 to 75 m (1 to 246 ft)

Process temperature

-196°C to +450°C (-321°F to +842°F)

Process printing

-1 to 400 bar (-14.5 to 5800 psi)


4 to 20 mA/HART, PROFIBUS, Modbus, FOUNDATION Fieldbus



Siemens is a recognised supplier of level measurement and gas analysis systems. With their innovative technology and robust design, Siemens products ensure accurate measurements and reliable performance in demanding environments.

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