Contact details by case type

Enquiries and sales

New service orders and general questions about service and calibration of instruments

Services for Laboratory Instruments

New orders, or questions about existing orders

PDF invoices and invoice questions

General matters

Send a message to any of the above addresses or call +46 8 564 808 40 and you will receive a reply shortly.

Address and telephone

Postal address

Solna Strandväg 3, 171 54 Solna

Freight address

Tritonvägen 15, Entrance via Lastkaj A, 171 54 Solna


The switchboard is open from 08.00 to 16.00


Organisationsnummer: 556215-4707
DUNS number: 354944043
Bankgiro: 997-4684

Send a message to any of the above addresses or call +46 8 564 808 40 and you will receive a reply shortly.

Ask a question or request a quote!

Thank you very much, we will be in touch as soon as we can!