

The AA100 AutoAnalyzer is a compact, dual-channel chemical analyser specifically designed for environmental and industrial laboratories running one or two dedicated analyses. With Segmented Flow Analysis (also known as Continuous Flow Analysis) technology, it enables the automation of repetitive and complex analysis steps, including sample distillation.

The AA100 is designed to fit on any laboratory bench, with a small footprint and flexible orientation. Despite its compact size, the AA100 offers the same benefits as the larger models in the SEAL range, such as low detection limit and exceptional reproducibility. It utilises glass coils, digital photometer and LED light source to ensure high precision and reliable results, and can perform up to 100 tests per hour with very low analysis costs.

Features and benefits
✅ Designed for environmental and industrial samples: the AA100 is built to meet the requirements of laboratories working in environmental testing.
✅ Segmented flow analysis: Reduces the risk of spread between samples and improves accuracy.
✅ Small footprint: Fits on the lab bench in any orientation, making it ideal for labs with limited space.
✅ Cost-effective: Low cost per test and minimal maintenance required thanks to the simple design and high-quality components.
✅ Support for over 700 applications: Comes with a comprehensive method library that includes USEPA, ISO and ASTM standards.

The AA100 is widely used in environmental and industrial applications, including analyses of:
✅ Water and wastewater
✅ Soil and plants
✅ Food and drinks

Produktbroschyr AA100

Description of how the system works and which uses are appropriate.


Dokument som beskriver fördelarna med Segmented Flow Analysatorer i förhållande till Flow Injection Analysatorer


Dokument som beskriver vilka provväxlare som finns tillgängliga och hur de kan anpassas efter systemet.

Number of simultaneous chemistries:

1 – 2

Approved standards:



Drinking water, waste water, receiving water, industrial water, leachate, soil and plant samples, pharmaceuticals, food, drink (wine, beer, soft drinks), tobacco, animal feed, fertiliser, milk, detergents, etc.

Example methods:

Nitrogen and phosphorus analyses, phenol index, cyanide (free and total), sugar, nicotine, etc.

Test speed:

Depending on the chemistry

Blanking of samples:


Adding samples during the run:


Reagent level detector:


Reagent valves:


Automatic Start-up & Shut-down:


Automatic dilutions:

YES, YES - option

Automatic standard prep:

YES, YES - option

Segregated waste management:


Test tube size:

2 mL, 5 mL, 10 mL, 11 mL, 15mL, 20 mL, 50 mL or customer specific

Sample rack number of pos..:

21, 24, 40, 60, 90 or customised

Test needles:

1 - 4 depending on system configuration

Dual sample changers:


Number of racks:

2 (AS2), 4 (AS4), 6 (AS6), 8 (AS8), 10 (AS10)

Dimensions of sample exchangers:

440mm x 470mm (AS2) up to 1400mm x 470 mm (AS10)

Weight of sample exchanger:

15 - 31 kg

Separate standard rack

YES - 12, 22, 42 pos. or customer specific

Ultrasonic mixing:

YES - option


YES - option

Sized syringes:

5 mL, 10mL, 12 mL

Type of dilutions:

Standards, pre-dilutions, post-dilutions

Type of pump:


Pump hose positions:

13 - 17 depending on the method chosen

Air vents:

Electronic software-controlled valves

Pump discs "release & engage":


Multi-speed motor:


Leak detector:

Pump, chemistry module, detectors

Thermal baths/Dest.unit:

Solid-state (no oil required) - easy maintenance

In-line distillation:

YES - depending on the method chosen

UV digesters:

YES - depending on the method chosen

Dialysis unit:

YES - depending on the method chosen

Aut. Cadmium valve:

YES - option

poppet valves:


Kyvett size:

10 mm - 50 mm (LWCC 100 cm also available)

Bubble-through cuvette:



Silicone photo diode

Interference filters:

420 - 880nm or customer specific


LED - wavelength specific

Temperature stabilised:


Data Output:

LIMS compatible, Export in SYLK(excel/csv), ASCII (Text format)

Computer requirements specification:

Windows 7, 10 or 11

Barcode scanner:

YES - external

Dimensions (mm):

610 W x 295 D x 290 H



Power req:

220 - 240V 50 HZ


SEAL Analytical

SEAL Analytical is a leading supplier of analytical instruments for laboratories, focusing on segmented flow, discrete analysers and lab robots. Their innovative solutions ensure accurate and reliable measurements, supporting high quality process control and efficiency in laboratory environments.

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