The EPSILON flowmeter fulfils international standards for flow calculation, manufacturing tolerances, accuracy and installation requirements. It is suitable for use in the process, pharmaceutical and power industries. Choose model EP1, EP3 or EP5 depending on the need for valve manifold integration.
- Very short straight pipe length requirement
- Compact design
- Simple construction
- Free choice for horizontal or vertical pipework
- Not sensitive to vibrations
- No moving parts
- Easy to install
- High accuracy
- Wide measurement range
Model EP1
EPSILON flowmeter model EP1 consists of a primary element based on the differential pressure principle, and a flanged manifold for double flanged valve manifold.
Model EP2
The EPSILON flowmeter model EP2 consists of a primary element based on the differential pressure principle with an integrated 3-valve manifold.
Model EP5
EPSILON flow meter model EP5 consists of a primary element based on the differential pressure principle with an integrated 5-valve manifold.
The EPSILON flowmeter can be installed in a horizontal or vertical pipe. For liquid flow in a horizontal pipe, the electronics should be mounted below the pipe. For gas flow in a horizontal pipe, the electronics should be mounted above the pipe. High measurement accuracy can be achieved even with short straight pipe lengths upstream of the flowmeter. The required straight pipe length is only 5 times the inside diameter and 2 times downstream to maintain an accuracy of 1%. If mass flow is required due to changing process conditions, request the EPSIMAS mass flow meter data sheet. Saturated and superheated vapour is measured by EPSISTEEM flowmeters.