The PITOBAR Averaging Pitot Tube is constructed with a diamond-shaped beam with multiple ports placed centrally within concentric rings with equal areas pointing towards the upstream flow. This is done to get the best averaging measurement of the dynamic pressure, resulting in a more accurate flow reading. The pitot tube creates a differential pressure signal that is proportional to the flow rate: Differential pressure = (Pstatic + Pdynamic) - Pstatic.
For optimum installation, the pitot tube should be placed in a straight cylindrical tube with a consistent cross-sectional area and free of obstructions. The internal pipe diameter must not deviate by more than 0.3 % to ensure accurate differential pressure calculations. To ensure accurate measurements, the use of full flow valves upstream of the primary element is recommended. The roughness of the inner pipe wall should fulfil specific limits depending on the material used. In case of vapour flow, horizontal mounting with a slope of 5 degrees is recommended to facilitate condensate flow. Purge connections are available for liquids with contaminants, and regular maintenance is recommended to maintain accuracy. For proper instrument connection, the differential pressure transmitter should be placed below the pitot tube for liquid and vapour flow and above it for gas flow, with impulse lines inclined to allow air to escape.